JOI Featured on the Dennis Bono Show
Auditions for Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra 2021-22!
JOI Featured on Neon & Beyond Radio Show with Steph MacKenzie!
SAVE THE DATE! 2022 Las Vegas Regional Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Festival is ON!
Here it is!! Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra Spring Virtual Concert 2021!
Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra Announces Spring Virtual Concert, May 19, 2021
JOI Jazz Orchestra Celebrates International Jazz Day with Video of Sammy Nestico's "A Warm Breeze"
JOI Announces Recipient of the 2020-21 Richard Salvatore Soranno Memorial Scholarship for Jazz
Listen to JOI's Kenny Rampton Interview on 97.1 The Point's "Neon & Beyond"
Virtual Jazz Language Classes from JOI
Introducing JOI's Mentors! (3 of 3)
Introducing JOI's Mentors (2 of 3)
Introducing JOI's Mentors! (1 of 3)
Enjoy our FREE Virtual Concert from the Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra!
Big Band Holidays - Virtual Concert!
Happy Thanksgiving from Jazz Outreach Initiative
Jazz Scholarship Available for 2021-22 school year! Apply NOW!
Announcing Mrs. Juliana McRae, Secretary, JOI Board of Directors
Announcing Mr. Daniel B. Philippus, CPA, Treasurer, JOI Board of Directors
Announcing Mr. Curt Miller, Vice President, JOI Board of Directors