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Chris Botti Meets with Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra Students, Treats to Concert!

Donny Thompson, M.S., NPA

Jazz Outreach Initiative's Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra students were treated to a very special evening with legendary trumpeter, Chris Botti on July 13, 2022 in Reynolds Hall at the Smith Center for the Performing Arts.

When Kenny Rampton learned Botti would be performing in Vegas, he reached out to his long time friend to ask if he would be willing to do a masterclass. Botti invited our students and our professional mentors to attend a sound check and do a Q&A and meet and greet.

Botti then very generously provided all our attendees with FREE tickets to the evening concert!

Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra are regularly exposed to the greatest talent in the world including an upcoming masterclass with legendary Count Basie Orchestra bandleader, Scotty Barnhart that JOI is offering LVYJO and the public at the end of this month. (Details coming separately).

JOI would like to thank Christ Botti for his incredible generosity and continued long time support of Jazz Outreach Initiative. We'd also like to thank Chris's tour manager, Jeremy Plotnikoff, Melanie Jupp Soehnlen (Dir. of Education & Outreach for The Smith Center), Myron Martin (Pres./CEO for The Smith Center), and JOI Co-Founder and V.P. Education & Programming, Gary Cordell (pictured) who spearheaded getting all the students and mentors rounded up during the summer to attend this outstanding event.

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