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Jonathan Karrant Welcomes the Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra at Sunday Funday Concert, Sept 11 2022!

Donny Thompson, M.S., NPA

Jazz Outreach Initiative is honored to have the students of our big band, the Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra, invited to perform on stage with acclaimed vocalist and entertainer, Jonathan Karrant!

Jonathan Karrant was recently voted to JOI's Advisory Board which requires ardent and active support and collaboration for a minimum of 1 year. Jonathan has done that and more, including previous engagements on his stage with the Las Vegas Youth Jazz Orchestra, offering his stage for us to present our very first "Jazz Routes" student with a trumpet and a year of free private lessons, and advocating for our nearly dozen jazz education, outreach, and performance programs to his audiences.

The students in the LVYJO, aged 11 through high school seniors, are very excited to take the stage on Sunday September 11, 2022 at 2pm at Notoriety! Tickets can be purchased here:

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